Sunday, 6 November 2016

Homework for Tuesday 8th November

Hello Class!

Thank you Maylén for reminding me to update the blog!

Last class, I gave you a new copy of Creative Writing. Do the activities and bring it for next class.

From the Macmillan Platform Unit 6, do: "Travel Around the World" and "Past simple v Past continuous". Please, bring any questions about those activities to class so that we can clear any doubts you may have.

Let me know if I've forgotten anything!

Miss Ale

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Assembly song

This is your song! You need to learn it! 

A Holly Jolly Christmas

Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
It's the best time of the year
I don't know if there'll be snow
but have a cup of cheer
Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
And when you walk down the street
Say Hello to friends you know
and everyone you meet

Oh ho
the mistletoe
hung where you can see;
Somebody waits for you;
Kiss her once for me
Have a holly jolly Christmas
and in case you didn't hear
Oh by golly
have a holly
jolly Christmas this year


OLD LADY + LITTLE GIRL : Matilda & Fio
FRIENDS LIKE EACH OTHER: Tincho & Neyen / Maylen & Camila

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Homework for Tuesday 1st November

Hello class!!!

Here's your homework:

From the booklet, do pages 16 and 17 (it´s a revision of grammar and vocabulary)

Study Holes, there will be a short test.

Finish the Mock if you haven't already!

See you on Tuesday!

Miss Ale

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Homework for Tuesday 25th October

Do the Mock Exam I gave you in class. I will email you the audio since I cannot upload them here (unless you know how to do that, then please teach me!)

Finish Holes (Chapters 46 to 50!!! OMG it's over!!!)

Bring a printed picture of the Holes character that you were assigned. You can find the pictures in the Holes page in this blog!

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Homework for Tuesday 4th October

For next Tuesday, you need to do the following:

  • Leave a comment in the "Holes Discussion" Tab. Read the questions carefully.
  • Read chapters 36 to 40

  • In the MACMILLAN PRACTICE ONLINE platform, we are starting with unit 6 "Travel and Holidays". Do activity 1 (Pet Paper 1 Reading Part 1) which is for a mark! Then do activity 2 (PET Paper 1 Reading Part 3)

  • You must do the Creative Writing copy I gave you today. It will help you to give your stories great titles and you will also learn how to make your beginnings better.

See you next class!!

Miss Ale

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Homework for Tuesday 20th September

Hello, class!

Please take a look at the new sections in the blog. Leave a comment about the prezis. What do you think about your classmates' work? Vote for your favorite one!

In the SPEAKING section you will find a video of a real PET exam speaking test. That's your objective!

Remember to send me the letter as a Google Doc so that I can correct it. DEADLINE: FRIDAY 16TH!!


Read chapters 26 to 30. Make a short summary of what you have read and add any important events to the timelines.

PET ONLINE: make sure you have finished all the activities for unit 1.
See you next week!

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Homework for Tuesday 13th September

Hello, class!

How do you like the new set up? Give me time to make it prettier!
You can now go to the PET practice platform directly from the blog!

So Homework is as follows:


Read chapters 21 to 25. You can find the questions in the tab that says "Holes"


Show us how you stay organized for the School of English. If you use a planner, bring it to class and show us. If you have an inspirational quote in your room, take a picture of it! Everyone must bring evidence of how they stay organized. If you don´t do anything special, find a new way to organice yourself and share it with the class.


You need to do:
Lessons at School
Negative Adjective Prefixes
Offers and Requests

That's all for now!!!

Leave a comment (now that you can) if you have any questions.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016


Hello, class!

This time, I´d like us to do something different. Here´s something that I´d like you to discuss in the comments in this post:

When Stanley writes to his mother, he says that the hard work (digging holes under the hot sun) is "building character" (making him a better person). Is this true? We know that Stanley is becoming stronger, and he is learning to work hard. But is it making him a better person? Leave your opinion in the comments. Remember to agree and disagree with your classmates too!

See you next week,

Miss Ale

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Homework for Tuesday 30th August

Hello, class!

Remember that we´ll have the test next class!

Here are the topics:
VOCABULARY: Free time, adjectives, sports, hobbies, word families.

GRAMMAR: Verbs of preference, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect.

LITERATURE: Holes chapters 1 to 20.

In order to practice, you need to work on the online platform, on resources:
15: Present Simple v Present Continuous
16: Present Simple v Present Continuous V Present Perfect

Here's something for you to practise writing a letter!

Practise Writing

Here's more to help you!

Email me if you have any questions!

See you next Tuesday,

Miss Ale

Friday, 19 August 2016

Homework for Tuesday 23rd August

Hello, Class!

Here's your homework for Tuesday.

Holes: Read chapters 18-19-20 and answer the following questions.

Chapter 18: 
1. What are the boys doing this morning?
2. Why does Stanley think this is a good idea?
3. What does Zero ask Stanley to do? How does Stanley react?
4. They say that digging holes builds character. How do you think Stanley has changed since he arrived at Camp Green Lake? Make a list of the changes.

Chapter 19:
1. What happened at night? What does Stanley realize about the boys?
2. Explain what happened with the Sunflower Seeds.
3. Why did Stanley take responsibility for something he didn't do?

Chapter 20:
1. How does Stanley feel when he's being taken to the Warden? Why?
2. What's special about the Warden's nail polish?
3. Why does she hurt Mr Sir?

From Unit 1 People do:
PET paper 2 part 1
Chatroom introduction

If you haven't given me Writing part 2, please do so on Tuesday.

Also, think about this question: Why do you think collecting things is such a popular hobbie? Find out about different things that people collect and tell the class!

See you on Tuesday,

Miss Ale

Friday, 12 August 2016

Homework for Tuesday 16th August

Hello, class!

Here's a reminder of the homework for next class!

Writing worksheet: follow the guidelines to write your first creative story!

Online platform: For Tuesday, you need to have finished Unit 1 activity 1 (that was for last class), and do activities 2 and 3 for this week. Remember I can see who's been working and who hasn't.

Holes: read chapters 15-16-17. Think about the following questions to answer in class.

Chapter 15: 
1. How does the Warden know everyone's names?
2. Why does Stanley say they were looking in the wrong place?

Chapter 16:
1. Why was X-Ray so cheerful in the wreck room?
2. How did the Warden act the following morning? Did her attitude change? Why?
3. What did Stanley's mom say in her letter? What does this tell you about Stanley's family? What kind of family are they? What does Stanley's father do?

Chapter 17: 
1. How long did the boys in group D dig around X-Ray's hole?
2. How did the Warden feel that morning? How has her attitude changed from the first morning? Write a list to compare it.
3. What happened to Stanley? 

Make sure you continue to add information to the timelines and remember to add one for "K.B."

See you at school!

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Homework for Tuesday 9th August

Hello, darlings!

For next class, remember to do the Exam Choice from the booklet (That's the Reading comprehension and the two listenings. I will email you the audios because I can't upload MP3s here)

You must also read chapters 13 and 14 of Holes and answer these questions in the folder to discuss in class:

Chapter 13: 
1. Describe the object that Stanley found.
2. How long has Stanley been in Camp Green Lake?
3. What did Squid think the object was?
4. Who will show the object to mom?
5. Why does Stanley suggest showing it the next day?
6. Why did Stanley move up the line at the water truck?

Chapter 14: 
1. Why do you think X-Ray snapped at Stanley?
2. What happens after X-Ray gives the tube to mom?
3. Describe the warden.
4. Why do you think the Warden is interested in the object?

Some of the words in the questions may be new for you. I have underlined them so that you can find them in the chapters and look for the meaning in the disctionary.

Finally, you need to do Activities 1 and 2 of Unit 1 in the Macmillan practice online platform. The website will show me your results, so I will know if you did the activities or not.

See you next Tuesday!

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Homework for Tuesday 12th July

Re-write your Robin Hood story paying attention to the comments I made. 
In general:

  • write the retelling in PRESENT TENSES
  • leave a line between paragraphs
  • mark the beginning of the paragraphs with indentation

If you haven't finished your prezi, you can still edit it. Email me for the password!

Review chapters 1 to 12 for the test we will have on Tuesday. How should you revise? Check the previous blog entries for questions on every chapter!!

See you next class!

Miss Ale

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Homework for Tuesday 5th July

Yay! July is here! Only two more classes til winter holidays!

Reading Part 2: you must do the full photocopy, including the strategies. If you have any doubts, email me!

Greek Gods Project: Email your research and the sport you chose for your God/Goddess. Remember to look for pictures of the God, the sport and any other related images to include in our Prezi.

Holes: Read chapters 11 and 12.

Questions for Chapter 11:

  1. Does Xray see very well?
  2. Why does Xray want Stanley to tell him first when he finds something?
  3. Does the biggest boy usually become the leader? What kind of boy usually becomes the leader?
  4. Why does Stanley like the name Caveman?
  5. Who is the biggest boy in the group now?
  6. What's Xray's real name?

Questions for Chapter 12:

  1. What does Stanley think he wants to do with his life?
  2. What does Magnet want to do?
  3. What did Stanley see Zero do?
  4. Why is Mr Pendansky asking these questions?

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Homework for Tuesday 28th

Here's your homework for next week.

  • You have to write a summary of yourself like the ones about Stella, Mike and Juan.

  • From the Booklet on page 16, do activity 16 (Present Perfect Practice)

  • Do research about your God or Goddess and find a sport that you think that God/Goddess represents.

  • "Holes" Chapter 10

1. Why was Stanley so achy? (Why did his body hurt?)
2. Why did he have to put on his hat after the sun came up?
3. What did Stanley find in his hole?
4. Who did he give it to?
5. What do you think the Warden is interested in?

SPANISH SPEAKER: Martina. She will make a time-line of her life, highlighting the most important events, and talk about that.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Homework for Tuesday 21st

Hello, class!

Here´s your homework for Tuesday 21st June.

Do the Reading Activity from the PET copies.
Remember there are some tips to help you.
Finish page 13 of the booklet.

READ HOLES CHAPTERS 8 AND 9. Answer the questions to discuss in class.

Chapter 8: write a description of the yellow-spotted lizzard.

1. Why did Stanley like the cold, short shower?
2. Why did X-Ray say that digging a hole is fun?
3. Why does Stanley lie to his mum in the letters?
4. Who is the Caveman?

Next class, I will choose any two people to tell us about the story so far. Be prepared!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Homework for Tuesday 14th June

Read Chapter 7 of "Holes". Here are some questions to guide you with the reading.

About Elya (the great-great grandfather)
1. How old was Elya Yelnats?
2. Where did he live?
3. What was his problem?
4. What did the gipsy, Madame Zeroni, tell him to do?
5. Did Elya marry the girl?
6. Why did Madame Zeroni curse him?
7. Where did Elya travel?

About Stanley:
8. Where do the boys go to the toilet when they are digging?
9. What do the boys always do when they finish digging a hole?

Since we couldn't do this in class, you'll have to do it as homework.
From the booklet, on page 12 (It says UNIT 2) do all the activities on that page.

Click HERE for another reading activity. Bring your score to class.
Click HERE for more sports vocabulary practice.
Click HERE to practice writing.

Also, leave a comment with the name of the God you will use in your project (if you don't have one yet, we'll give you one next week)

Monday, 6 June 2016

The Sherwood Chronicles

Last class, we watched this fun and entertaining play at school.
Here's the video for those of you who were absent and those who would like to remember what happened.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Homework for Tuesday 7th June

Click HERE to do a reading activity. We will discuss it in class!

WRITING: Now that we´ve seen Robin Hood, write a summary of the story. 
Divide the story into three paragraphs.
PARAGRAPH 1: describe the setting and the main characters.
PARAGRAPH 2: Describe the problem. What happens?
PARAGRAPH 3: Conclusion. How is the problem solved?

Since this is a SUMMARY, you must use Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect.

Write about 100 words.

HOLES: Please, read chapters 1-6 again so that we can talk about them in class.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Robin Hood

We are watching Robin Hood, the play, this Tuesday 31st May.

Find out what the story is about by watching the trailer!

You can also practise your archery skills with this fun game! I scored 42 points, how many can you score?

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Comprehension Questions for Holes

Chapter 1:
What is Camp Green Lake like? (Can you describe it?)
What is the rule to remember about snakes and scorpions?
What's the worst thing to be bitten by?

Chapter 2:
Who goes to Camp Green Lake?
What do they do there?

Chapter 3:
What does Stanley look like? (Can you describe him physically?)
Why did Stanley's great-great grandfather have a curse on him? Does Stanley believe in curses?
What is unusual about Stanley's name?
Stanley's great great grandfather was robbed by a famous outlaw. Who was it?

Chapter 4:
Why does Mr Sir eat sunflower seeds?
How many sets of clothing is Stanley given? What colour is it?

Chapter 5:
What tent is Stanley in?
What is Mr Pendanski's nickname? Why do the boys call him that?

Chapter 6:
What sport did Clyde "Seet Feet" Livingston play?
How did he get the nickname "Sweet Feet"?
How did Stanley get the sneakers?

Monday, 16 May 2016

Holes - a Book Trailer

Do you know what a film trailer is? Well, now we have Book Trailers!

Watch the book trailer for Holes and tell us what you think! Will the story be interesting? What do you think it will be about? Love? Mystery? Crime? Leave a comment!

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Holes - Luis Sachar

This is the book we are going to read for Literature- you can buy it at SBS or download the pdf file by clikcking on the image below.