Tuesday 31 May 2016

Homework for Tuesday 7th June

Click HERE to do a reading activity. We will discuss it in class!

WRITING: Now that we´ve seen Robin Hood, write a summary of the story. 
Divide the story into three paragraphs.
PARAGRAPH 1: describe the setting and the main characters.
PARAGRAPH 2: Describe the problem. What happens?
PARAGRAPH 3: Conclusion. How is the problem solved?

Since this is a SUMMARY, you must use Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect.

Write about 100 words.

HOLES: Please, read chapters 1-6 again so that we can talk about them in class.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Robin Hood

We are watching Robin Hood, the play, this Tuesday 31st May.

Find out what the story is about by watching the trailer!

You can also practise your archery skills with this fun game! I scored 42 points, how many can you score?